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N u d i t à

Nudity is an installation project made up of a minimum of five audio tracks alongside a digital photograph.

This material tells of an encounter, the one between me and the person l intend to meet through interview.

The interviews take place in always different places and are decided by the interviewees; I specifically ask to choose a place where they can feel "safe". 

At the time of invitation to participate in this meeting, I propose a question that will be the focus of the interview: "Do you recognize in your body an area that holds a memory or a pain or that reflects the opposite gender aspect to your biological identity?"

It tells of small portions of the body, of arms and shoulders of knees considered masculine in bodies considered feminine, of inherited bullets, of fathers and spots on the skin, of eating disorders, excesses, of painful pasts, of stereotypes and judgments, of inheritance family members stuck in the folds of skin

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For each photograph on display, the artist provides of a textual extract of the interview and a single pair of headphones: an invitation to a virtual meeting with the person being interviewed.

The installation enters into dialogue with the exhibition space also through a study of the scenography.

The artist intends to recreate a warm and welcoming environment: an ad hoc set-up project for the space and which contains microcosms,

 in order to invite the observer to deep listening to the stories and to live an immersive experience.

To date, Nudità has more than twenty interviews carried out in three different cities in Italy and in Spain.

Nudity remains fertile ground to be reworked and cultivated together with new bodies, new identities and new stories.

For info and requests contact me

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